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Class Expectations

Below are the expectations my students are required to agree to prior to starting class with me. I recommend you review them before setting up your enrollment interview



Class Expectations Agreement


Welcome to the Horizon Center’s Whole Brain Hypnotherapy Certification Course. The study of hypnotherapy is a fascinating study. It is impossible to pursue knowledge in hypnotherapy without also gaining insight into yourself! The study of hypnotherapy is also a journey into your own belief system, your thought processes, your significant events and choices, your relationships, and your psyche.

 I hope that throughout this journey you are inspired, excited, and in awe of the incredible power that each human being contains within.





To use our class time most effectively, you will be required to review the curriculum that will be covered in class prior to the class. You will have an opportunity to ask any questions that you have about the curriculum during the check-in. It is mandatory that you stay on top of the curriculum!

I suggest putting away at least 2-3 hours a month initially and up to 10 hours a month, once we are a few months in, for covering the material, doing quizzes and assignments and to prepare sessions for classmates and volunteers.



The material you receive from me is copyrighted and trademarked and intended for your personal and professional use. It may NOT be used for educational purposes or duplicated in any way. This material is not to be sold by you nor is it to be taught to others.



A portion of class time will be reserved for "Check in". Part of this time will be spent catching up with each other to maintain cohesiveness within the class and help to develop rapport. We will also open the floor to hypnosis related discussion.

During this time, you may:

  • Share practice sessions you have had

  • Ask questions that have come up for you since our last class

  • Ask questions that you have about the curriculum

  • Get feedback and support around working with volunteers and clients




You are expected to practice on a minimum of 10 volunteers during the course. You will be doing a consultation and at least two sessions with each volunteer. You may do more than 2 sessions, should you choose. I will be asking for a summary of the work you did with these clients.   If you have a hard time finding volunteers, let me know and I will get you some.



There is a written take home exam for the Basic portion of the course. You will notice this exam in your curriculum after module 11. It must be completed before you move on to module 12. This exam is mandatory to receive your certificate. Remember: all material can be found in the online modules



You are required to complete the assignments for each unit. These questions will count towards your final grade in the class. The assignments are not due until AFTER we have covered the material in class.

There may be times when you are required to do assignments in between classes. The assignments are designed to help you really ingrain the concepts and, therefore, are mandatory.



An average of 80% must be maintained throughout the course. If you do not receive this grade, I will provide feedback and you will have opportunities to improve on your work.



It is understandable that there may be times when you need to miss a class. Please provide me with as much forewarning as possible. You are expected to be responsible for whatever material was covered during class. You may be expected to make up practice sessions on your own time in order that you and your partner do not fall behind. I will provide recordings of all Zoom classes so you can actch up on what was covered in your absence.


 A student who misses classes frequently may be asked to leave the program or move into the self-paced course unless special arrangements are made with the instructor. Frequent missed classes effect the cohesiveness and rapport within the group which is imperative to maintain so that students can pracitce hypnotherapy on one another. When rapport is broken, cohesiveness in class and ability to practice can break down as well. 



This policy applies to students enrolled in the full program, which includes both curriculum access and live Zoom classes.

This policy is in place to protect the intellectual property of the program materials. Once you enroll, you have the ability to download and access all curriculum content. We take the security of our materials seriously, and this policy discourages potential misuse of the curriculum by those who might only pay a minimal amount, access the materials, and then withdraw without completing the program.


Due to immediate access to the curriculum materials upon enrollment, all payments made towards the program, up to a total of $1597 (the cost of the curriculum), are non-refundable.


We understand unforeseen circumstances may arise. If you withdraw before the program starts, this $1597 non-refundable amount applies. This means that any payments made towards the curriculum and/or the training, up to a total of $1597, will be retained by the Horizon Center. If you have not yet made $1597 in payments towards the training or curriculum, your payment plans will be continued until the curriculum is paid for. One you have paid $1597 for the tuition, payment plans will be cancelled.


Withdrawing after three months from the start date results in no refunds of any kind. If this program is not for you, I need that in writing and dated prior to the three month point in the program. Payment plans remain active until full payment is received.




Members of the class may at times share personal experiences. But, of course, you will also want to share what occurred in class with your loved ones. Therefore, we will assume that whatever occurs in class can be shared outside of class UNLESS the person sharing specifically asks that something not leave the room. If a classmate suggests something they share stay between us, this confidence MUST be respected to maintain a sense of privacy and respect for one another in the class.


If anything is shared, this should be done while respecting the anonymity of classmates. In other wrods, no nams or distinguishing characteristics.


Volunteers may be attending the class  so that you might witness what takes place during actual intakes and sessions. You are asked to keep the volunteers anonymous if sharing details of their sessions outside of class.

Likewise, as you work on clients, it is important that you respect your client’s/volunteer’s anonymity.



To maintain privacy for our class, I ask that you do not have anyone in the background who might overhear what is being shared in class. Either attend class in a private room or wear headphones



During this course you are learning a way of communication and relating that may be unfamiliar to you as how we relate to friends and family is different than how we relate to clients. In this course you are learning how to relate to clients, and this will be practiced at all times with classmates. Therefore, it is vital that classmates are always treated with respect and unconditional positive regard. A student who is judgmental, disrespectful, negative, or rude towards classmates will be asked to meet with me to discuss modifications that are necessary to be made or may be asked to attend a “Rapport Repair” meeting outside of class time. Without modifications being made, a student will be dismissed. Severe violations of this code of conduct will lead to immediate dismissal without a refund on tuition.



As mentioned above, it is vital for the functioning of our class that students work well with one another. It is impossible to hypnotize someone when there has been damage to rapport. Therefore, should a situation occur where there is a breech in rapport, the students involved will be expected to attend a mandatory meeting outside of class time to repair the rapport before the next class.


 I consider these meetings as an opportunity to develop important self-awareness that will benefit you when working with clients. While with clients it is essential that you leave your own “stuff” out of your relationship with them. We can do this by understanding where we still have internal work to do and knowing what types of situations or people might trigger our unresolved “stuff”.  By developing this self-awareness and working though our own “hot buttons” we can be more present while working with clients and not be triggered by their stories, experiences, or personalities.


The focus of the meeting will be to understand your own “hot buttons” as well as those of your classmates, and to take responsibility for your part in the breech in rapport by finding ways to resolve what is still active within you.

Students who do not attend these meetings when requested to do so will be dismissed from the class without a refund on tuition.



Personal growth is an essential part of this course. By experiencing hypnosis yourself, you have more understanding of the experience the client goes through when working with a hypnotherapist. You get to experience the techniques and interventions yourself, you get firsthand experience of the efficacy of hypnosis and, as stated above, are less likely to get burnt out or triggered working with clients due to having greater self-awareness and resolution of your own internal challenges.


Therefore, you will be paired with a classmate to do sessions with one another. You are welcome to share as much or as little with your hypnotherapist/classmate as you feel comfortable sharing. However, to get the most out of the hypnotherapy sessions I recommend you adopt a willingness to “go deep”. 


This class provides the rare opportunity of being able to learn about how to hypnotize and work on clients, while also doing your own internal work. I suggest going all in and getting not just an education but an EXPERIENCE.



There may be times during this course that you wish to work through your own goals and personal issues in a more private setting. For that reason, private sessions can be scheduled with me at a reduced rate. Please book your sessions at least two weeks in advance. Student sessions are limited. I will also continue to honor this reduced rate for students after the course ends.



Hypnotherapy training can bring up our own "stuff" and sometimes people tend to pull back when they are feeling overwhelmed. Of course, this "solution" only leaves you feeling more out of the loop, gets you further behind and, thereby increases the feeling of being overwhelmed. Please do not let yourself slide down that slippery slope! I am here if you need me! I may be arranging personal interviews with students who appear to be slipping. My intention being to support you in whatever way would be most beneficial to you. 



Taking this course does not guarantee graduation. To graduate, you must:

  • Complete all units with a min. of 80%

  • Have regular attendance.

  • Follow the Code of Conduct

  • Provide evidence that you understood techniques taught in class

  • Complete the Basic Exam with a min of 80%

  • Demonstrate qualities of a Hypnotherapist including empathy, listening skills, absolute positive regard, interview skills, and compassion



Students who successfully complete the course (according to the above requirements) will be awarded a certificate of completion.

This certificate of completion can be used to receive certification with the following governing bodies:


  • IMDHA – to register- 150 hours class time PLUS 70 "other"-- reading (10 pages = 1 hour), videos, podcasts etc. To maintain certification, continuing education must be done every year.

  • International Hypnosis Association (IHA) – all they require is that I put my stamp of approval on you

  • Canadian Association of Counseling Hypnotherapists and Educators (CACHE)


You are welcome to apply for certification with other governing bodies. They may require you provide a criminal record check, transcript (which you will receive at the completion of the course) or other proof of your training.




Students may pursue certification from one of the above-mentioned governing bodies.

In addition to meeting the graduation requirements, in order to receive certification students must:

  • Complete the Practical Application assignment (video recorded consultation and session and summary of 2 additional sessions)


All assignments, practicum videos and unit questions must be completed and handed in within 30 days of our last day in class. Students who hand in material after the deadline will be charged a $650 late fee and the material will be marked at my leisure. 


NOTE: You are NOT to call yourself a hypnotherapist until you have completed the course AND have received certification from a governing body. You are welcome to say, "hypnotherapist in training", "studying hypnotherapy" or "hypnotherapy student"

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